At this exclusive event you will learn to:

  • Improve relationships even when tensions are high
  • Deal with cultural adjustments inherent in change
  • Overcome challenges with partners to create new opportunities
  • Approach difficult conversations and negotiations with confidence
  • Engender self-motivation even when people seem disempowered

All of these will give you the tools to save the usual stress and wasted energy that usually comes with difficult conversations and workplace people issues.

3 routes to success

  • Book for free: For access to tools and strategies that will transform conversations, mindsets and habits and post event recording for 7 days
  • Upgrade: For an additional £52+VAT you have access to the recordings for a month, can attend an interactive Q and A each day after the event to address specific questions and receive a copy of our learning materials to embed what you learn.
  • VIP Package: You will have access all areas including access to recordings, Q and A, learning materials and a 121 coaching session with Louisa Weinstein for a highly affordable £151 + VAT.

"It has been a transformational journey. I have learnt and practiced deep listening skills, how to manage my emotional reactions and am able to prepare and carry out difficult conversations with confidence and clarity without negatively impacting the relationship."

Jane | Director

Who is coming?

The programme is for leaders and senior managers who want to:

  • Confidently lead through tensions and challenges
  • Motivate people to deliver optimum results and consistently engage
  • Negotiate win-win agreements even if no-one agrees
  • Ensure client facing opportunities yield positive results and add to bottom line
  • Enable team members to get the best and most profitable outcomes in client interactions

About Louisa Weinstein

I’m the founder of London’s Conflict Resolution Centre, where we teach managers, CSuites and executives how to communicate more effectively for happier teams, higher profitability and greater overall impact from their products or services.

I now serve over 300 clients (across all sectors and industries) in workplace and employment mediation and leadership training using those same tenets.

I’m on a mission to teach the world’s leaders how to more effectively and proactively communicate, so they’re spending less time navigating conflict and more time creating positive change through their expanded income and impact.

“Things have been going well. I had a clear idea of what good looked like. I was able to be articulate and unemotional, get my point across and listen because I didn’t need to be reactive.”

James Director of Product Design

Other courses

The Influential Leader Accelerator Programme

Negotiating Difficult Conversations

Mediation skills for Managers

“The programme gave me so much structure for the team to have difficult conversations as well as a brilliant framework for 121s, enabled me to create a safe space for free conversation. I learnt new ways of working which addressed the missing sense of seeing people face to face and seeing how they are doing so we could tease out the more personal aspects of the working relationship.”

Patricia Senior Manager

Some of the companies we've worked with